Essential FIT4ADV - Intro
Getting More Out Of Life
If you’ve landed on this page I’m guessing that you’d like to feel healthier and more energized. C’mon, who doesn’t want to get more out of life?”
—Simon Thomas, 2Ride The World
You’re probably also curious what all the fuss is about with these “so called” essential oils. Yep, we were too!
We’d heard a lot of noise about these “wonder potions”, but the idea that a few tiny drops of oil would make any difference to our health, let along our energy and mood, well, let’s just say we were doubtful. OK, in fairness, I (Simon) was actually cynical. I thought, it’s not possible, it doesn’t make sense, it can’t work.
I don’t say this lightly but I’ll confess, I’m a total convert.
The essential oils and supplements that we’ve incorporated into our lives have had such a dramatic and positive effect that they’ve become part of our essential gear. We now use them daily.
It’s confession time again, we’re now both EO junkies, but let me tell you why.
I want to share with you how much better we both feel, how much more energy we both have, and how a few small, but potent products, have resolved conditions that we thought we were stuck with for life.
The best way of conveying to you the power and potency of the dōTERRA products is to start by sharing with you some of the health challenges I (Simon) face and how I’ve overcome them. I know that Lisa will chime in later.
As a young child, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. My childhood was spent going in and out of hospital (sometime for months at a time) where my condition perplexed the doctors, who finally and simply prescribed me buckets of various pills in the hope that some of them would help.
The medications worked for a while, but left me clumsy, dizzy and drowsy. I remember one particular unsympathetic teacher who mistook my drug-induced side-effects for a lack of concentration, and angrily scolded me in class by shouting “Simon, you’re never going to go anywhere in life.”
A serious accident in my mid twenties, almost cost me my lower right leg. Five lengthy and complicated surgeries to reattach my foot and ankle followed. Being bed ridden for almost 18-months nearly drove me crazy. Six months of intensive physio and learning to walk again was my next big challenge.
Constant Fatigue
Since I was a teen, if you asked me “How are you?” my stock answer has been “tired!”
As a skinny growing teenager, I figured my med's were to blame. As a young adult, I put my fatigue down to the fact that I was playing as hard as I was working. As a thirty-something professional, I blamed my constant state of fatigue on the stress of work, family drama’s, a long commute, and dealing with all the other stuff that life was throwing at me. All of this guaranteed I never got enough sleep. Sound familiar?
The point is, that in the end, I came to accept that feeling “exhausted and blurry” was my normal.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been health conscious, I’ve always kept fit, I’ve swallowed thousands of supplements over the years and, before our bike trip, I paid a monthly gym membership. I trusted in regular western methods of medicine. I told myself that I was being pro-active. But, to be honest, I was just going through the motions. I never questioned what I was doing or that there were simple and alternative changes that I could make that would be far more effective. Looking back now, I can see that I just resigned myself to accepting my fatigue, believing it was normal.
Fast forward 14-years and riding, falling and bouncing my way across 500,000 miles, through 80 plus countries, more than justified to my mind, my sensation of feeling constantly frazzled.”
—Simon Thomas, 2Ride The World
Digestive Issues
Thinking about it, since my early twenties I’ve suffered from abdominal issues and discomfort. Enjoying pasta, bread or and the occasional beer was guaranteed to leave me feeling uncomfortable with an acutely painful stomach.
Broken Neck
In 2007, I faced what would be my biggest and most painful medical fight. Deep in the Amazon Jungle, a fall from a crumbling bridge left me partially blind and paralyzed on the left hand side of my body. What followed was the most agonizing 3-weeks of my life as we had to ride out of the mud-soaked jungle and reach medical help. Only with the support of my wife (Lisa) did we escape the jungle and ride to the nearest major hospital, where we were stunned with the diagnosis. My neck was broken in two places and my C7 and C6 vertebra were dislocated. My spinal cord was less than a millimeter from being severed. 14-hours of innovative emergency surgery in Sao Paulo saved my life.
Bionic Aches & Paine's
Don’t get me started on aches and pains. After dozen’s of surgeries, I have more metalwork holding me together than an IKEA bathroom cabinet. Like many others, I suffer with muscle and tendon inflammation, acutely painful shooting spasm’s and dull nagging joint aches. But, I’d simply assumed this was the cost my body was paying for years of pursuing my passion for riding and pushing the limits during our global travels.
My list of other issues goes on, but you get the idea. If I were a horse they would have put me down.
The Wrong Approach
Until last year I was eating Ibuprofen like candy, just to get through the day. I knew this would be killing my kidneys, but I was surprised and alarmed to learn that my preferred painkiller was also potentially damaging my heart and causing other more serious long-term health issues. In the end, I knew I had to up my game and make some changes, especially if I wanted to carry on riding, travelling and living my life to the fullest.
It was only when my good friend and BMW riding buddy, David Mays, gently bullied me into trying a few carefully chosen oils and supplements at an “Adventure Master Class” we were giving, did I wake up to the idea that I didn’t have to simply “live with” the discomfort, or the pain and fatigue that I presumed was part of who I was.
Dramatic Improvements
Within weeks, my daily neck and lower back, shoulder and knee pain has almost disappeared and my digestion issues had all but been forgotten. But for me the ‘Ah-Ha!’ moment came when I realized that the lethargy and energy sucking fatigue that I’d fought with my whole life had gone.
Yep, I know this sounds cliche, but I was literally a new person! I got out of bed in the morning and had energy and focus to face my day. Now, when someone asks me, “Simon, how are you?” I can actually reply “Great, thanks” and mean it! Yeah, I know, it all sounds too good to be true right? But I’m serious, so serious that we’ve actually ditched other gear just to be able to find the space to pack our essential dōTERRA products. Today, we’re more confident in our health and ability to physically continue our journey than we were at the very start.
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably now asking “so, what are you using?”
I didn’t want to overload this “intro” with a maze of products. What I really wanted you to know was what health challenges I face, and what products I am using in order to overcome them. Crucially, I wanted to share with you the benefits of the products I am using and how these and others will help you reach your own health goals.
Today, I’m an enthusiastic advocate for these supplements and oils, why? Simple, because I carry them, use them daily and they work.
I’ve created a few links to get you started and give you an insight into what’s turned my health around. Just click on the links that best describe what’s of interest to you.
What Essentials are essential? (comming soon)
My Essential ADV Regime (comming soon)
If you’re wondering what products I started with and which one’s I owe my new found energy. Read on.
How To Get Set Up
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