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September 12, 2018

Extreme Heat & Dehydration - How to Survive

Extreme Heat & Dehydration: Getting it wrong! Riding To Survive The MALI Ride Riding and surviving a ride through any landscape with severe heat is no joke. We've learnt the heard way that the simplest miscaculation of fuel, terrain and water can be fatal. Yeah, and that's not said just to be dramatic.  I sat down a little while to write up our travels through some of west Africa's most…
May 26, 2018

LUMINAR 2018 für perfekte Fotos - Deutsche Version

Von 2RideThe World Mit Luminar optimierst du deine Fotos in Rekordgeschwindigkeit! Erstmal fotografieren, hinterher optimieren In der Reisefotografie geht es darum, Gelegenheiten für herausragende Bilder zu finden. Nur in den seltensten Fällen hast du die Zeit dazu, alles vorher perfekt zu planen - den Ort zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten in verschiedenem Licht zu besuchen und das Bild schon im Kopf zu komponieren, bevor du schließlich bei perfekten Bedingungen auf den Auslöser…
May 23, 2018

LUMINAR 2018 - Perfecting Your Images

You won't believe what LUMINAR can do for your photos! Shoot now, Perfect Later Travel photography is about grabbing opportunities for outstanding images as and when they come along. There’s rarely a scenario when you can get the lay of the land in advance, compose a shot in your mind, work out the angles, the light, and then return to a location at the perfect time of day. Many of…
June 07, 2017

What Is An Adventure Bike?

I was asked a question recently and thought it was worth posting my answer here.   The question...    What Is An Adventure Bike." Eric Hall, GS Giants Facebook Page.   Eric had asked, What’s your take on this whole “big bikes aren’t a real adventure bikes” sort of thing? I understand the smaller bikes roll over the more difficult terrain easier but the benefits of the bigger bikes seem so…
April 15, 2017

Make Do Mongolian Stew

The Story Behind Mongolian make-Do Stew and 'Dirty Dining.' In what is one of the least inhabited countries on the planet, hundreds of miles can separate nomadic villages, and food can be scarce. When you do find a small village, the foodstuffs available may often be limited to stale biscuits, out-of-date Snickers bars and chips. Shopping in a small Ger (Mongolian hut) you may find a few carrots, potatoes and…
March 24, 2017

ADV Kitchen Gear

I love to cook and I love to use good tools to get the job done. Twenty years ago, any cooking device that was produced for camping was a compromise of what you had available in the kitchen at home.  Today things have changed! With the advancement in materials, production, design and manufacturing techniques, most of my ADV kitchen gear is a pleasure to use. From super sharp MSR knives…
March 21, 2017

ADV Meal Essentials

  After more than fourteen years on the road I still enjoy the challenges that feeding both of us entails. I love to wander through local markets and marvel at the exotic, intoxicating and often-unrecognizable ingredients. I adore the smell of the spices in the markets of Morocco and India, the variety and intense flavour of the meats in Argentina and, my favourite, the glorious markets and street food stalls…
March 17, 2017

Funding Your Trip

Our Story Fund raising is always a difficult one! Simon and I worked flat out for many years  in order to save for our trip.That money ran out after the first few years on the road, by which time we knew we were hooked. We needed to see and experience more of the world, in a way we'd not imagined before we'd left. With a decision to continue made, we…
September 30, 2014

ADV Medi Kit

Simon and I carry an Adventure Motorcycling First Aid Kit that we know will cover us for a variety of minor and more serious injuries and ailments. Unfortunately we have had to use it during our time on the road.‘Normal’ travel can lay you open to all sorts of infections from contaminated food or water, from insect bites, animal bites, from other people, the list is endless. Riding a motorcycle…

Title Adventure Motorcycle Sponsors