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May 02, 2018

A Jungle Breakfast

We were up this morning at 5:00am and clicking MX boots clasp closed and pulling…
May 01, 2018

The Marching Throngs of Che

We’d planned on getting up early and photographing the sunrise, but to be honest I…
April 30, 2018

The Baracoa Labyrinth

We hit the snooze button on Lisa’s iPhone 3 times before finally hauling our arses…
April 29, 2018

Sweet Juice and Crowds

We’d planned on setting out early but there were a few jobs to get to…
April 28, 2018

Black Gold, Wifi and Cocaine

Wow I slept well!We were up and out the door of the Casa de particular…
April 27, 2018

Sliding into Camaguey

Sometimes even the smallest gestures of kindness are the ones that are important! That was…
April 26, 2018

Night-Time Russian Roulette

What a sodding long, weird, soaked to the skin day.We’d left Vinlaes at a reasonably…
April 24, 2018

Vida Vinales

Sometimes it’s just great to pull off the panniers and bags and go for a…
April 24, 2018

Another Side Of Cuba

The bags and panniers slammed into my thighs and crashed into the walls as I…
April 23, 2018

Havana Rhythm

The last few days have been a blur of photography, delicious tiny cups of sweet…
April 21, 2018

Loving Havana

Some places have such an air of legend about them, so much so, that when…
April 20, 2018

Angels In Havana

After a great stay at Papo’s House, where we had many chats with the neighbors…
April 19, 2018

Cuban Introductions

The sun was already roasting as we made the eighth run back to the ship…
April 18, 2018

Hello Cuba

Hello Cuba!On the long smooth wooden table on the upper deck, breakfast had already been…
April 17, 2018

Dancing With Dolphins

“Dolphins, dolphins”, yelled Carl from the deck, through the lifted and raised ceiling panel. Everyone…

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