The Perfect Body Wake Up Routine
The response to FIT4ADV has been incredible. So, many people know they need to get themselves healthy, but don't know how to start.
We live in the real world and lets face it, there just isn't enough time in the day to spend hours in a gym. Living on the road, Simon & I don't have the luxury of "routine", so we never know where we're going to be, or how we're going to workout.
In this video I share one of my favourite basic workout sequences, that Simon & I have used for years, when we've been unable to train and we know we need a gently introduction that prepares our body for excercise. We also use this sequence as a warm-up to our more advance program. More on that later.
So, If you're looking to start your "healthier you" journey, then this is the sequence for you.
Start off running through my program 3 times a week. You can perform this simple workout anywhere and at any time. It doens't require any special equipment and you'll be impressed with the results and how fast you progress.
Let us know how you get on or if you have any questions, throw them in the comments section below.